
Mt. Muhabura in the background

Since we plan to hike on the 29th of March, I am triggered to write some important information that we may need to know about hiking the mountains.

I have been to the mountains once. I have hiked Mt. Sabyinyo and managed to reach its first peak (it has 3 peaks) & it was quite an EXPERIENCE!

Mt. Sabinyo, Uganda 🇺🇬

I had the most amazing travel crew; TakeABreakUg. We had great teamwork in our various groups (which came up due to different hiking paces). There was the strongest and fastest team that hiked to all the three peaks of the mountain, the average team that made it to the first peak only, the ‘slow but sure’ team that also made it to the first peak later alone & the team that never climbed at all. We supported each other up & down the trail…

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My first #TakeABreak trip to Mount Sabinyo.

"Okutambula kulaba, Okudda kunyumya." I took a break and now it's time for story telling. I’ve always seen guys go for trips on different tourist attractions, taking pictures, making videos and I’ve read a lot of blogs about travel. This is "Take a break" and forget about the primary trips! Every time these trips happen … Continue reading My first #TakeABreak trip to Mount Sabinyo.

How do you get your tailor to finish your work on time?

Christmas is around the corner and the holiday excitement is way up. We are about to break our saving boxes to go for shopping. Talk about shopping, Is it me, or the custom made clothes are on for real, If yes, let me tell you a story of how my friends don't want me to … Continue reading How do you get your tailor to finish your work on time?


The MTN Innovations Awards is a Platform we ( MTN Uganda ) created in 2015 to recognize outstanding Applications developed by Ugandans as well as Outstanding Individuals or Private organizations that are enabling the local innovation Eco-System. This year, the awards will recognize Application Innovations in the following categories: Health, Education, Financial Services, SME, Agriculture, … Continue reading MTN INNOVATION AWARDS ARE BACK

Wakitibwa by Brian Lubega ( Lyrics ) 

(Verse 1) Eno Ensi nebigirimu bibye  Emising gye Ensi giri mu mikono gye x2 Obwakabaka bwe  Tebukoma Nababulimu tebasalwa  Banyumirwa buli Okukamala  Kyova obawulira nga bayimba  (Chorus) Wakitiibwa, wakitiibwa, wakitiibwa  Oyo mukama  x 2 (Verse 2) Ensulo z'obulamu  Ziri mulinnya lye  N'essanyu lyabangi  Olisanga muye  Atulamuza kisa bwetusaba  Natusonyiwa bwetusobya Tuli baaba be beyalokola  Mukwagala … Continue reading Wakitibwa by Brian Lubega ( Lyrics )